people * stories * engagement

Ditch the habit.

I was talking with Ben recently, he’s a Designer and struggling with a first-time meet with a prospect.

“It’s a hundred-mile round trip, Charlie. I not sure whether it’s worth it, besides I’m not a fan of longer car journeys. 

I find I become anxious, uncomfortable.”

‘You won’t know whether it’s ‘worth it’ until you meet with your contact, Ben. Besides, how else do you expect to win the business if you don’t present your best self? If you’re uncomfortable with the thought of mulling over the meeting, then you’re not ready. Not ready for new business, any new business, are you?’

”Yes, I’m ready, the prospect loves our concepts, it’s just …”

‘Ben, sometimes we should remind ourselves why we’re in business. The difference this latest enquiry means is that you have to travel a little further. It’s going to cost to make the appointment. Yes, you may have to operate outside of your comfort zone, right?’

“I suppose I’m used to business coming to me, Charlie.”

‘But that’s it, Ben, change comes to us all. It’s time to step up and go a little further. Think of this one appointment as a blessing, an opportunity.’

“More like anxiety, Charlie.”

‘Pick yourself up and accept the challenge. The prospect already likes what they’ve heard from you and I’m sure they’re grateful you are on your way, and the car journey? Have you ever tried winding down the back window a little bit? Open the opposite front as well. You’re creating a different ambience in the car, the noise of the road, the air quality in the cabin. Create change.’

Try an ‘audiobook’ also, or a different CD. The anxiety will pass. You already know the prospect likes your offer. Try and take your mind off the traffic grind, and what may not happen and aim to arrive five minutes early. Fresh and ready for the job. Offer your best self, open the conversation with the story on your car audio?’

“I hear what you’re saying Charlie, I just have this fear of failing …”

‘Maybe it’s your fear of trying and the possibility of new objections Ben. You’re already in a positive position. Besides, everyone who has ever made it has failed, plenty of times. We fall and we get back up. You know this don’t you? 

You know how it works Ben, we do this thing we do because what we offer is a solution. You don’t need a therapist to tell you that. These little ‘if’s and but’s’ and other ‘reasons to fail’ aren’t useful.

It’s easy to accept our routines, comfort zones and habits are easy. The excuses you confront yourself with will never be as impactful or exciting as the story of how YOU made it happen.

You’re ready Ben, go for it – and let’s talk about your choice of audiobook when you return.

‘people buy from people’

#winning #adversity #negativewin #notherapy