people * stories * engagement

Speak the lingo?

I hadn’t seen Hans for 15 years until our Boxing Day rendezvous on his way to visit his sister in Holland. 

Since that first meeting, Hans had finally wed his long-term girlfriend, Susan – along with the full blessing of her father!

‘So how did you manage to finally get Susan to the alter, Hans?’

Hans continued …

“Hans, why don’t you let me introduce you to someone from my fraternity? Are you free for lunch next Wednesday, able to take a little time away from the bakery?” 

How could I refuse?

The Wednesday lunch date arrived as I was introduced to a fellow whose firm manufactured stainless steel cookware. His business was well-established with some well-healed clients. He thought the time was right to expand on the back of a strong reputation. ‘Why don’t you come and work for me, Hans? By the way, how many languages did you say you speak?’

Hans is fluent in four languages, having grown up in Holland and travelling through different parts of the world. He and I first met in Sydney, Australia.

So you took a job? What kind of job are we talking about?

Susan? I asked.