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Learn and move on

As business owners we understand that tough times can beset the best intentions. We’ve all been there, haven’t we? We’re trying to stick to the plan, the strategy is in place and suddenly … it all goes pear-shaped. Why? It may be because of market conditions, budget cuts, a rise in operating costs, mortgage rates, or a host of accompanying ‘downers’ when we find we’re simply stuck and ‘sinking’ fast. 

The results can be disheartening. We find ourselves on the negative side of the fence and it’s tricky picking up the pieces through all the ‘stuff’ and it becomes almost impossible to even consider jumping the fence to reshape the plan. Stuck fast. The distractions are not only disheartening but debilitating. It’s a scene where, if action isn’t quickly taken, can be played out daily.

The worst of it? The more bad news hangs around, more of the same turns up!

Ultimately we find ourselves inhabiting the negative mindset. It’s tough enough dealing with your own knocks and setbacks but contending with the ‘sympathisers’ only interested in hearing bad news doesn’t help. Remember, bad news attracts more post views, sees most clicks, right? Why? Because it’s more compelling.

Doom attracts the doom-mongers!

So how do we combat the constant flow of knocks and downbeat attitudes that seem to feed the negative mind set, the pessimism? 

To remedy any of the above symptoms of negative is surprisingly simple. Negative cannot live with positive. There is always an opposite to every reaction and in my experience a solution is always found by reaching out through candid discussion.

Be bold, step out and find the ‘right kind’ of people, those you trust and who thrive on success, sharing positive news. Being transparent with colleagues who visualise the path forward will help talk up the steps to success.

I’m lucky, the business I’m in attracts the optimism required to be successful during challenging times. 

My advice if you’re stuck with how to move forward? Find yourself a network of like-minded associates and share whatever the seasonal disappointments have brought you. Ask for help. Chances are there is already a solution to your current situation just waiting for the conversation. Take time to talk up your past wins and of course recall the shortcomings. Learn how to thrive again. 

Discuss, learn and discard to realign as your business, your life benefit through association with the positive.

Positive attracts optimism. Leave the alternative to the sceptics.