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Time for passion

A friend had been having trouble negotiating a demanding work-life balance.

A passion for the side-hustle seemed to be getting in the way of prioritisation. Cathy was so busy with the day job when she realised she was unhappy. What she wanted most was a business that reflected her passion.

… You’re in the wrong job. I suggested. Shouldn’t you be prioritising your passion, I asked?

Duuh … OK smart pants, how do I do that? The day job pays the bills Charlie. How do I walk away and start afresh when I’m reliant on the business that no longer excites me?

First thing is a conversation. Find someone you trust who stands away from you business. Ask them to observe your business processes, you may find you can create more time.


Time. Unless you’d prefer to cut ties with the business you’ve worked so hard to establish? Wouldn’t that be a shame?

We all need to make space during the busy lifestyle, by managing our time a little better we create space – and with the extra space, what would you do? What could you achieve?

I need days more that minutes, Charlie.

So, think of how much time you may find each day, over six days per week to be able to address your passion. It’s a lifestyle you’ve chosen, now adapt … 

I didn’t know it would grow so fast, Charlie.

So people like you and your product. That’s great, isn’t it? How would an extra day per week help you pursue that passion?  It is possible, by stepping back. Understand that we all need to trust others once in a while to help us work smarter. Be better.

OK, an extra day would be useful …

With that extra time, the bonus is that you would be able to visualise. See now that you’re on the road to creating a business that works without you.

You mean it’s the start?

It’s where we should start, with the end in mind, yet it can be difficult to start up with this ability … the ‘bizability.’ By sharing with others and trusting in their skills we gift ourselves time. Have you thought about an extra pair of hands-on for one/two days per week?

I’m not ready Charlie.

Try creating that time … you’ll soon be ready …

Through rapport, we’re blessed with time and space. We create a transportable (marketable, saleable) business, allowing us to plan for the future. With the passion in mind.