people * stories * engagement

Just slow it down …

I’ve been asked many times whether it was possible to ‘accelerate the magic’ that determines success when networking.

Success, in this case, meaning more business.

‘Accelerating the magic?’ It’s not an easy question to answer given ‘people buy from people,’ You see, we’re all very different individuals with various reasons for stepping out of the comfort zone for networking. Expectation varies greatly.

I’ve seen colleagues leave the meeting surprised that they haven’t generated any enquiries … thinking no-one was interested.  Let’s face it, not everyone is in the market for your product or services all of the time.

My answer to the above mentioned query … ‘accelerating the magic’ is, on most occasions, the same.

To be more approachable to others, make yourself available. Work on the ‘familiar’ to become referrable.

Any networking event usually takes the form of a structured, scheduled agenda running for a specific time. So, my point being, rarely is any important buying decision made on a chance meeting … at a business breakfast or dinner! 

What’s to keep you from arriving half an hour early and staying an extra half an hour after the event?

Time! I hear you say.

Give more time. Freely. After all, business is personal for many. Schedule an appointment before the meeting – or after proceedings. Set up the date! Some I know attending events even ask for the attendee list from the organiser.

Spend more of your valuable time by being available for conversation before and after the meeting. By slowing the process down, you have a much better chance of accelerating the realisation of positive results from your networking.

PS.  If you would like to ‘accelerate the magic’ via ZOOM (it’s free) please reply to this note and request a link. I’d be happy, if I can, to help through conversation.