who can I help today

Where are you heading?

Bob is one of many friends joining me for the regular Weeklybiz meeting.  He’s an unassuming type, usually arriving early to the meeting, each week taking up his usual seat at the table as we start the introductions.

‘Mr Reliable’ is the name we call him.

Rarely do we see Bob picking up enquiries, and so I ask him … (because that’s what I do):

‘What’s in it for you? Where’s the value for you in the morning meeting Bob?

 ‘I enjoy the breakfast and interaction with others Charlie. The regular meetings are my time away from the routine – and I learn something new every time.’ 

‘I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t enjoy it, Charlie.’

Bob has an assured air about him. While never commenting on anything ‘out of turn,’ He often says he leaves that to the ‘less experienced’ during the meeting, adding:

‘God gave us two eyes, two ears and one mouth. We should use these in proportion.’ 

Without having any commercial offering, Bob has nothing to ‘sell,’ his role amongst the regular fraternity being more … advisory. 

Often he’d be the last to leave the room after formalities, even finding the time to engage one or two on the way toward the exit, always offering his support and experience.

I see Bob as comfortable in his shoes.

Isn’t that something to aspire to?

‘people buy from people’

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