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Pick up the pencil

Hi Everyone, I know, you’ve likely heard me say, many times that business is seasonal, right?

That’s because I believe it’s true… here’s why:

It’s the expectation of what’s coming that keeps the business owner ‘on the toes,’ if we’re able to ‘see what’s coming,’ we’re able to act … it’s called ‘biz ability.’

Sometimes though, we take our eye off the business compass and what’s right. We’re distracted by current/popular trends … (just so much to digest just now.)

Targets we haven’t met … (oops, I’ve failed – again!)

Success coming to others … (when is ‘my turn’ for success?)

You know what?  You are not alone. 

Taking the eye off the ball, whether through distraction, fatigue … or both, happens to every one of us. Especially this season, this ‘distracted’ time of year.

Here’s what has helped me:

Name the problem.

Identify the dilemma affecting you now. Is it something you can work around? If not, shift the block by doing what you must do to move ahead. Yes, I know, sometimes that’s a tough decision to make … but … sometimes us in business need to make tough decisions, and … what if it works?

Next, pick up a pencil. (Usually found in your top drawer!) Write down your situation/the position you find yourself in now.  Clarity ensues.

Spell it out, break it down, where is the hurt? Is it bad?? Does it impact you that much??? Is the situation something that will change in the next hour, perhaps a day, maybe next week?

No pencil? Google it if you want (more confusio!) Yes, do it you haven’t got a pencil in the drawer (shame! 🙂 

By identifying the current problem (because it’s a seasonal symptom, right?) you’ve decided to act upon it. That’s progress in itself!

Ask yourself … are the symptoms of this current problem recurring? If so, what lesson from the past have you missed? 

So, write it down, (yes, pencil is best!) Write it down and put that note in your wallet. A note … not an essay … as we all know the biggest problems we have are not that big!? So, one copy in your purse or wallet. A copy on a clear part of the wall, or even in the pocket of that seasonal suit you are surely bound to be wearing once more!

Because, this year it’s going to be different!

We haven’t finished yet … there are going to be steps you need to take to prevent the recurrence of seasonal regret. You’ll need to use your new superpowers in preparation for the following season … and the next, and the next … and you know what?

When someone asks: How are you doing? How was it for you? What’s the plan? Instead of an uncertain response, this time ask them to compare notes … because help is reciprocal. 

We’re all facing very similar seasonal challenges to you, so inspire with a plan of your own this time … show purpose!

Make a difference in the coming season, share your path to a win and have a conversation, and you’ll be that much closer to a solution …

‘business is personal.