people * stories * engagement

It’s cash in hand!

It was at the regular Weeklybiz network morning session I’d been introduced to Thomas … 

Thomas had left Uni a few months beforehand with a decent degree in Engineering and was now finding it tough to find work. His ‘careers adviser’ suggested he talk with Sara Eke ** and join The Weeklybiz for conversation.

Leaving Uni., like most young students, Thomas was hopeful of finding a position in his favoured sector, but so far he’d had no luck. Four months on, he was wondering when he might see the fabled green ‘shoots of opportunity.’

‘It’s tough for everyone now Charlie, I understand that. The trouble is, I’m not sure how to go about applying for ‘a regular job’ … I’ve never spent any significant time in employment.’ 

I understood his predicament. More than 50% of graduates fail to find their preferred posting right after leaving school. Post-Brexit/Covid pandemic, the job market still finds itself in shock.

Employers are wary. There are more opportunities prior to lock-down, although generally, this is a result of those taking early retirement and the booming home-working economy.

Thomas looked to enjoy our meeting. He made a few decent contacts and I left him deep in conversation with those who knew the jobs market along with my friend Sara Eke. **

As I made my way home to the ‘office’ I couldn’t help but think how fortunate I was when leaving school aged sixteen.

I found myself ‘graduating’ from the ‘paper-round,’ to stacking shelves at the local supermarket during evenings. I washed cars and began cutting grass at the weekend for an elderly neighbour as well …

The extra cash was useful, (spent before I received it!) I wasn’t aware of the magic ingredient – life experience – that was unfolding. I had no idea there may be a ‘career path’ to follow. “What’s a career path, anyway? This is it, isn’t it?”

I had cash in my hand but had no idea.

Until …my ’employer’ (the elderly neighbour) suggested I consider starting an apprenticeship … I was oblivious of course, but with a nod of affirmation, I accepted the handful of coins offered for the grass well cut and made my way … thinking nothing more. 

That is, until a few days later I found myself at my first-ever ‘interview!’ The result was a four-year assignment with a national newspaper, it was the beginning.

For me, nothing beats the word-of-mouth life experience. I never underestimate the people we engage and interact with along ‘life’s journey.’  

Thomas would take a little while to find his own ‘magic referral.’ Although by sharing a smile during conversation and acting on qualified advice … it was clear he had taken the important first steps toward improving his current situation.

Thomas had reached out through a friend.  

** Sara Eke, produces marvellous Aromatherapy remedies. Check her ingenious ‘roller-balls’ here.