people * stories * engagement

Being lucky

‘It was only a matter of time, David.’

We were discussing the referral my friend had collected during this morning’s meeting. 

David had spent the past twelve months working on his presence, his persona, and the business. His input was now rewarding him with some important work for his company. David of course was happy, we all shared his delight.

It’s so good to see someone enjoy their work and reap the rewards. One of the many benefits of networking is sharing in the success of friends.

I’m sharing the joy with you here because not everyone is able to experience the success that David has worked so hard to achieve.

There are lots of people who cannot commit to regular networking, for a whole host of reasons.

` life commitments

` no time

` no patience

` or they’re too busy for more business.

David has attended our meetings on a regular basis for twelve months. He’s worked hard to achieve clarity during his presentations and the ‘after meeting’ one-to-one meetings have also helped others understand his business.

Importantly, through these developed relationships, David has gone out of his way to help and support his colleagues.

By doing so he’s found out – first hand, that it’s not about what you have, it’s about who you know.

By ‘being there,’ on a regular basis for your fellow networkers … when the opportunity arises, we make ourselves … irresistible.

This is why networking has worked for David because David has worked on his networking!

‘people buy from people’