people * stories * engagement

Time away from the job

How do I spend my leisure time?

If the weather isn’t good and I’m all caught up with the business follow-up, then I have a garage with long-term projects to keep me busy. Otherwise, I like to stay occupied with any tasks that need attention, and I’m never sitting for long.

When the sun is out I’m likely found in the garden. I enjoy the open space and exercise. It’s a diversion that comes through caring. Planting, supporting, watching for growth, pruning, growing on.

I’m no professional gardener or arborist, my patch is small, but it ‘does for me.’ There’s no fuss, I’m seeing what develops and I find the garden is definitely cathartic. Whatever may be on my mind at the time, I’m able to ‘think things through. It’s time away from the day job. 


I can’t help thinking how much alike gardening and networking are. I use the comparison often when asked ‘what’s so good about the morning meeting?’

It’s a regular happening seeing new people visit The Weekly Business. It’s where everyone ‘wins.’ We learn from each other. Affinity develops, opinions are sought and insights are found through different stories. Enlightenment … conjured up during the conversation.

Away from the regular meeting, we look to share with the wider circle what we learn from one another and by doing so we find out how where we’re able to help.

 We’re sharing those new stories, looking out for one another.

It’s gardening! We’re helping each other grow, cultivating relationships through trust as we thrive.

Business is personal because people buy from people.