Assume, you could be right

A quarter of the year almost gone and micro-business Dave was asking me what he had to do to gain more clients.

Here’s a starter check-list for you Dave …

Have you approached prospects with your offer?

‘Offer?’ Came the reply.

‘I’ve a website Charlie and I’ve made sure I’ve covered my social media outlets if that’s what you mean by offer?’

Dave, you cannot assume that all of your new business is coming to you via a virtual presence alone. You need to first of all know the target audience and whether there is a need for your particular services.

‘Yes, I know that already.’ I heard

You also need to know who the budget holder is …

‘Well I’d find out if I had the opportunity!’

‘Look, it seems like a lot of hard work Charlie, I’ve put a lot of time and invested a lot of capital into creating the online presence.’

‘I’m thinking of a letterbox drop for leaflets next …’

Dave, the assumption that new business is making it’s way to your door simply because you now have a ‘singing and dancing’ website is fanciful to say the least … letterbox drop?

‘Yes, I’m printing a couple of thousand and delivering them myself.’

Steady Dave, great effort and it does bring the reward. Take the next step though and introduce the world to you, the person.

Meet the people. Then use your new-found leverage. Engage those in business who take the time to know you, who then view the website before being inspired with the confidence and trust to arrange a meeting with you and your next best client.

That’s why they call it a network Dave, you need to work the net to gain the business.

You with me Dave?

I assume Dave was listening …

Published by charlie kenny

I love the coast and in particular, the area in which I live, the North East of England. It's an uncomplicated life, for the past twelve years I've been away from the 'big smoke' ... and the decision to relocate my business to the North has been the best move of my career. So far. I am a writer and have a lifetime of experience in publishing and personal development. I now consider myself a specialist in helping my clients with memoirs - that could entail a biography, or simply bringing diary pages to life. I tend not to advertise my business, word of mouth has always been kind so it's no surprise that I do spend a couple of days per week networking. Peer collaboration can be very rewarding. Therefore, if you'd like to join me fortnightly for Wednesday ZOOM or either Tuesday or Thursday for (in-person) morning coffee, please get in touch. I'd love to meet you and perhaps help in any way possible. Thank you for stopping by the website. engage, develop, grow ... with Go!